SAQA Journal 1999 Vol. 9 No. 3

SAQA Journal 1999 Vol. 9 No. 3

Exhibitions - SAQA Quilt National '99 (Rasmussen, Cathy)
Conferences - The Importance of Creative Conferences (Stitcher, Christine)
Photography - Quilt Photography (Smith-Kressley, Judy)
Exhibition Advice - The Artist's Experience and Expectations with the Jurying Process (Jackson, Jeanne)
Featured Artist - Focus: Ann Brauer 
Featured Artist - Lucky Tomato Pincushion Project (Cochran, Jane Burch)
Art Quilt - Color and Design in Amish Quilts (Warren, Elizabeth V.)
Exhibitions - International Quilt Market (Huhn, Wendy)
Health - Hazards in the Arts (Rossol, Monona)

Publication Type
SAQA Journal
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